From sharing your content on social media to having a keen reader, you might be wondering how to get your blog posts shared with readers and followers. You may even have a suspicion that your content isn’t being shared because it’s not anything special. You’re right! Most writers don’t know how to get their blog posts shared, especially new bloggers just starting out. However, with some simple strategies, you can increase the likelihood of your blog post getting seen by your target audience and gain followers too. Here are 3 tips you need to know if you want people to read your blog posts and share them with others:
Create High-quality Content
High-quality content is the single most important thing you can do to get your blog posts shared on social media and gain followers. If you don’t create high-quality content, you’ll have a very difficult time getting your posts seen. Worrying about what kind of images to use, how to format your content, and which social media channels to post to are all things you should be focusing on. Instead, you should be thinking about creating high-quality content that your audience wants to read. So, what does high-quality content look like? Here are some tips on what high-quality blogging content looks like: - Use relevant keywords - High-quality content should be about something your target audience is interested in. You can use a variety of keyword research tools to help determine what keywords to choose for your blog post’s topics. - Grammar and spelling - Unless it’s a blog post on a subject that doesn’t require correct grammar and spelling, all blog posts should be written in an appropriate manner. If you can’t seem to get the spelling and grammar right, your posts likely won’t be shared on social media. High-quality content is what’s going to get your content seen, not typos and poor wording. - Understand your audience - You may have a decent idea of who your audience is, but it’s important to understand them better. You should do this by conducting surveys, surveys, and more surveys. Keep asking questions, keeping your audience in mind. You can use surveys to understand the types of things your audience likes, what their challenges are, and even what their money issues are.
Develop a thoughtfully written blog post
As a blogger, you’re going to be writing a lot of posts. You may even consider yourself a “serial blogger,” releasing content almost daily. Having so many posts, it’s important to make each one as good as it can possibly be. In order to be accepted by your audience and gain followers, every single blog post you create needs to be thoughtfully written. This includes the following: - Finding a relevant topic - Your blog post’s topic is going to be the most important factor in whether or not your post gets shared. You need to find a topic your readers are interested in and relevant to the theme of your post (if you’re blogging about marketing, your topic has to be related to marketing). - Finding a relevant title - The title of your post is going to be the second most important factor in whether or not your post gets shared. You need to choose a title that’s interesting enough to keep readers reading, but short enough to fit on a single tweet. - Finding an excellent image - Although you may be tempted to share a low-quality image to save on file-sharing space, you shouldn’t do it. You should always be using images that are high-quality and relevant to the topic of your post. Images are one of the best ways to grab attention for your content and add a little spice to your post.
Include a call to action in your post
One of the most important steps you can take when creating a post is including a call to action in your content. Call to actions are basically a type of social media tool that helps readers find your website’s contact page or sign up for your email list after they read your post. These are extremely important because they let readers know exactly what they need to do next with your blog post. Once your call to action is included in your post, readers will be able to see it at the end of your post. This will make it clear what you want them to do next, which will increase the likelihood that they’ll click on your call to action.
Stay consistent with your publishing schedule
Once you’ve decided on the best social media channels to publish on and have created high-quality content, the next step is staying consistent with your publishing schedule. Social media channels don’t care about your first ever post on blogging; they care about your consistent posting. You need to make sure you’re publishing content at least once a week so your posts are seen. If you’re not publishing content at least once a week, your posts aren’t going to get seen. Posting at least once a week isn’t as hard as you might think. You can do it even if you have a full-time job, family, or other responsibilities.
Blogging is an amazing way to create content and share your ideas with the world. However, if you don’t know how to get your blog posts shared on social media, you’re going to struggle to gain an audience. With the tips provided in this post, you can create viral content that gets seen by your target audience and gains you new followers.